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Be Love Unlined Journal

 “BE LOVE,” is a campaign birthed amid all the uncertainty, polarization, and global tension in today's society. We aim to answer three critical questions facing humanity: (1) Who must we be; (2) What must we do; and (3) What are we to accomplish?

 Our love-inspired campaign is grounded in the iconic words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. from his notable and inspirational writing Where Do We Go from Here: Chaos or Community. In the writing, Dr. King professes that, “Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice. Justice at its best is love correcting everything that stands against love.”

Finally, BE LOVE will also be working to implement national policies and practices aimed at eradicating hate, violence, and the long-standing, oppressive systems thwarting the progress of creating The Beloved Community.

To take the pledge, see our Be Love page here

How We Give Back

How We Give Back

With your purchase, you enable The King Center to change the world by equipping a global audience of individuals and organizations to think, speak, and engage in a love-centered way.

With your purchase, you enable The King Center to change the world by equipping a global audience of individuals and organizations to think, speak, and engage in a love-centered way.
